Friday, July 07, 2006

Take Notice

I grieved for the heart tonight… I grieved for the sake of loss… of missing someone that you can’t replace… a friend of mine lost his father and I thought the only joy he must feel right now is knowing his father is in Heaven… and I thought how even in the midst of knowing this there must be a void… and how wrong it is that children have to watch their parent suffer…. I got mad at sin, I got mad that because of sin cancer entered this world… I thanked God that nothing even death can’t separate us from Him, and the desperation for every human soul to have the peace of knowing where your eternity lies.. for I am anxious enough, that if I didn’t know that I would go crazy….

I had a conversation today with a friend about relationships.. and how when God allows two people to come together, that in Him there is no reason to break up, yet people do all the time for reasons that don’t always make sense, other than it all comes down to sin… somewhere in someone’s heart something was not right…. Christian or not a heart will suffer ache, loss, nostalgia, a tear that will take some time to heal, leaving it a little more jaded than before.
And although the heart still has consequences to the rollercoaster that it has been on and simply is just in need of some to rest… to have God’s healing.. God allows heart ache, but He is also the creator of healing, and in His timing He heals and restores your heart so it can love again, and grant you the grace to fully love someone again, love them well.. and have the courage to let a person love you in return for all you really are…

I don’t know how God does it… His heart bleeds from us all the time, yet he takes risks with us every second.. from the day He created us and gave us life He took the risk in giving us a choice… a choice to love and a choice to choose to love Him in return… this leaves me in awe of Him.. yet He is the creator of Love, a love that is incomprehensible , a love that is unconditional, unlike everything else in this world.

His love that will never change no matter what we do or not do, His love has nothing to do with how well we perform, or what we look like, or what our personality is like, or even how good of a person or Christian for that matter we are… His love is steadfast and eternal.. all He asks by demonstrating this for us, is that we Love well.. Love others that He has put into our lives, enjoy them for how they are uniquely designed… and by doing this we experience God’s love, the pieces of Heaven that come to us in the smallest moments…. A love that I will never be without, a relationship I will never stop fighting for…. nor will ever loose, because He has never stopped fighting for you and I, nor will ever give up on our hearts…

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