Friday, July 21, 2006

Fight For Your Heart, Conquer the Battle of the Mind

"The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still"- Exodus 14:14

So often I forget how strategic the enemy is, and how deceptive his ways can be when creeping into the depths of our hearts and the thoughts in our minds. Satan is so much more obvious in other countries because they are not made up of such a materialistic society and do not have the high end technology that we have.
In the U.S Satan has to be so much more careful in how he attacks the spirits of those that love his enemy, the King and lover of our souls who we so often forget has authority of our souls. The enemy sees the seal that marks God's children and will go after them in any way he knows how, especially those that are moving and are on fire for the Lord. I guess take it as a good sign in a sense when you face opposition, because you are being reassured that you are right in the middle of God's will, frusturating the crap out of the one that wishes to destroy what you are helping to bring to life.. helping to unveil the truth to those who are blind.. blinded by the evil one.
I have noticed in women especially, including in myself how much Satan attacks our minds, entering into our thoughts and bringing in thoughts of doubt, confusion.. thoughts that say "You are not good enough", thoughts that say that "God doesn't have the best in mind for you", all thoughts that are not from the Lord, and not of your spirit because you are of the Lord, and these are LIES. These thoughts bring anxiety, they are intentionally there to destroy and kill your spirit from being the person that God has created you to be. You are a threat to the enemy and he knows it, so will do anything to keep you from being all that you are made to be, and from keeping your heart alive.
I've learned that just how men struggle visually and have to tame their eyes, so do women need to learn to hold their thoughts captive to the Lord and use scripture to overcome the enemy every time he creeps in with a bad thought, conquer it with the truth.. he has no hold over you if you do not let him. As women we represent more of God's emotion, so it makes sense that he would come after our minds..
Isaiah 26:3 is a great verse.. I encourage you every time you start feeling attacked, or start having thoughts that bring you down, make a concious effort to realize they are not from the Lord, and to pray that God will take hold of those.

Every day you awake, know that you are breathing because Christ is not done with you yet, that He is presently fulfilling His purpose through your life, through your heart. Take notice of your heart and your mind.. give it all to the Lord, for it is His.

"I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe"- Ephesians 1:18

"You will keep perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you"- Isaiah 26:3

"For he himself, is our peace"- Ephesians 1:14

1 comment:

Kelly said...

i love it. i love you. thank you for your love and encouragement...i look forward to fighting with you this year and many years to come...