Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Jesus be my reality...

books I love at the moment, wisdom gained I hope to live out: "Sex God" by Rob Bell, "A Severe Mercy", "Uprising", Erwin's incredible book that has taught me so much about gratitude...

I am...
sad to leave college, but excited about the next phase in life.
excited about California, but feeling many emotions from fear to eagerness
feeling ambiguous about the direction of my career, after this summer I'm hoping I will have more discernment
desiring a "simple" life..
sometimes feel this "pressure" to do something incredibly extraordinary with gifts given to me... sometimes I feel like I would be happy just working at a coffee shop talking to people, getting to know their hearts.
tired of analyzing so much
slightly complacent, spiritually, but trying to discern if this is luke warm faith and just a phase, and how to get out of it, what that looks like, or if Im simply over spiritualizing this... and just need to pray for Jesus to be my reality, and keep moving forward in this
wondering what honoring Him looks like in certain areas and where I'm failing in this
despising legalism
grateful for all the undeserved blessings in my life... God is so good...
this is such an interesting time... best way to describe this time in my life would be "gray"


Kiran Thadhani said...

So, I stumbled upon your blog...while reading Brian Geihsler's....

This is some really awesome stuff and it's just so awesome to hear another Christian sister's heart and passion for wanting her faith to be "reality."

I simply love the Erwin McManus quotes...His sermons are so bold and incredible!

Anyways, I hope God's doing WAY awesome things in your life today!

Shelly said...

Haha...'insignificantly significant' is a dear friend of mine. She's a precious sister of bold faith.

Anyway, I just wanted to congratulate you on graduation!! He is worthy of much praise!

And I am 'with you' on the feeling of 'pressure' to do 'great' things for Him at times! I just keep casting that one back at His feet (whenever it arises) and have lately clung to the fact that it's His responsibility to accomplish His will in me! So I find freedom in that! As long as my heart is an open stage for Him to be glorified, He can come and show off! :) Bless you sister