Thursday, January 11, 2007

2007 Resolutions

I stopped making New Years Resolutions along time ago because they would usually last a month then I would forget about them, and this year I didn't really plan on making any new ones either, but last couple days/weeks of January I've just felt have had a theme, and wanted to write this so I would see and remember and in hopes of it also being somewhat inspiring to whoever reads this....

No particular order or importance, but.....

1. Really pay attention to my heart/being aware of God in everything...
I feel like ever since the moment I said YES to a dream/risking I've had for a long time and NO to doubt/fear/what is comfortable & gauranteed & actually pursuing it, opportunities just started popping up and I feel like "God is winking at me" if you've ever heard that saying before... I can't explain the feeling except it's the greatest adrenaline rush ever and I feel like my heart is going to leap out of my chest. So..... more yes's to what makes your heart rush, and more no's to what makes it numb.

2. Every moment is an adventure :)
One of my best friends Jacquelyn lives her life like this, and I admire her so much for it, she just wants to soak up every inch of life that is offered in everything and in everyone & life is seriously so much fun when you live it like that. I think it's so easy to take time/places/people for granted and she just takes in every minute for what it's worth. I love it... whenever i get in a bad mood or am just having one of those days, I just try and remember what her attitude would be like, I quickly try and snap out of it.

3. Really Trust God.
This whole growing up thing is kind of scary, for the first time I feel out of my parents' direct guidance-- I feel like the next step has always been kind of planned out as far as school goes, and up until about a couple months ago, grad school was next, but now that it's not... I'm not sure... scared at first, especially when I want something so bad and have no clue how the logistics will work out, but it is the coolest feeling to surrender it all and give it to God... greatest peace, and I feel so much closer to Him. I am glad He is in control and I am not. Proverbs 3:5-11 has been my prayer.. for my friends and myself :

"Trust God from the bottom of your heart; ?
don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God's voice in everything you do,
everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track.
Don't assume that you know it all. Run to God!
Run from evil!
Honor God with everything you own; give him the first and the best."

4. James Dean was really smart.
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"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"- his words
Just always remember what you want your "dash" to look like, what makes up that space that is between your birthday and when you die? 1985-
What do you want it to look like? How do you want people to remember you?
I know that's kind of morbid to think about... but for me it's so easy to forget that life is so short & precious.. I think I act like I'm going to live forever sometimes.

Pay attention to people that are heroes to you and what you admire about them.... that will teach you a lot about yourself. For me I've always admired people that have chased their dreams no matter what it may cost them, or if they have no idea if they will fail, succeed or what the turn out with be, they have gone after it anyways. They have been faithful and true to themselves. So for me I want to be someone that would do the same... you should be someone you would be proud of. I think so often we doubt ourselves because of our insecurites, but we forget that our lives have great purposes and that if the Creator of the Universe believes in us & we are breathing for a reason, then it is a shame to not believe in ourselves and the power we possess.

soo for those of you who know me, keep me accountable of my resolutions, I hope they aren't just for 2007 but for the rest of my journey...

love to you all!