Thursday, September 07, 2006

I like this...

listened to a podcast from Rock Harbor Church in L.A tonight..
thought what he talked about was so important and not brought up enough...

God doesn't care about getting "better"
God cares about giving you a new heart....
we do way too much work trying to be the person we should be... but you are already there... God wants your heart.. the heart in you NOW.
By taking out your heart, the enemy takes you out..
Christianity isn't about your behavior
Christianity is about your heart....
the greatest loss I have known is the loss of the heart..
God will give you a new heart
You Are Whole...

Jesus wants truth in our innermost parts.. and if you are still hurting from past events, Jesus is going to make you face that pain and lead you to healing and forgiveness.. bring your heart to Him

Above all things gaurd your heart, because it is the wellspring of life...

God we so need to get past ourselves and what we do, and we need to get to the place where we say Lord how do you see me?
So much is at stake, nothing less than this is Christianity.. purify us.

If anyone is thirsty let him come to me....
-- Rock Harbor Church